Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Where to discuss substance abuse issues anonymously?

According to Government estimates, there are over 40M U.S. citizens suffering from substance abuse (http://www.samhsa.gov/data/NSDUH/2k11State/NSDUHsaeTables2011.pdf_) many of whom are teenagers. While there are many support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous to help people fight their addictions, it's not always convenient to go to these meetings on a frequent basis. Most people don't have the courage to admit that they have an addicition.

People would love to discuss these types of issues online without revealing their identities. Mainstream media like Facebook, Twitter, Quora, LinkedIn, and others are not the right places to discuss these things. Why? Because everyone knows who you are! That's where sites like socialnumber.com can play a big role as online psychiatrists or support groups with full anonymity. Feel free to discuss any taboo topics and get feedback from other like-minded people.

- M.K.

1 comment:

  1. Inpatient drug rehab expects addicts to live at their treatment offices for thirty to ninety days. Despite the fact that they gain proficiency with an assortment of approaches to manage drug longings during this time, progressing into typical life can in any case present colossal danger of backslide. To relieve this hazard, clinicians rehearsing reality treatment attempt to make their patients' living spaces as near genuine as could be expected under the circumstances. Addicts cook, clean, shop, and calendar arrangements for themselves similarly as they would in their typical lives. By accepting treatment simultaneously as they approach their every day undertakings, patients can viably relate their hankering adapting systems to certifiable circumstances.
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